Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dear Daddy... p/s: I LOVE YOU.

Exams have been more than cruel to me. It's daddy's day today! Everyone else in the country and perhaps in some corner of the world is spending quality time with their dads and granddads and I'm stuck to my chair trying to do last minute revision for my paper tomorrow. Haha.

But it didn't stop me from jumping on my dad from the back this morning, giving him his first peck of the day and wishing him 'Happy Dad's Day' and telling him what a superstar he has been all along. I really love that man. I do. LOL. (Sorry, i just can't help but to express what i feel).

I guess daddy really understands what I'm going through (don't get me wrong, it's EXAMS, and not other things that might have crossed your mind) because he is just so cool when he told me that having us around (actually me, only ME. LOL just joking.) makes everyday a Father's Day to him. Awww that's just so sweet.

And for that, I want to honour him for the role he played in my life. Here. Ever since i was born I've been a part of everything he does. He was my driver (before i got my driving license), my gourmet cook (he always makes sure that i eat, even when he's busy with work), my drink buddy (we drink a lot) , my mentor in work, my work partner, my best friend (he talks to me about girls and well, anything and everything a teen goes through in life), occasionally my shoulder to lean on when i have problems, my ATM and mobile bank (LOL), a provider; he is much more than what a Father has been created for.

Bonus points for my dad: He gives me surprises all the time, especially on special days. What else could i asked for, sometimes i question myself.

To everyone reading this and all out there,


p/s: Daddy, I Love You.


  1. Your dad is so cool :) But my dad is a bit conservative but still the best dad ^_^

    Btw, Australia celebrate Father's Day in September so maybe you can make it special by doing it in September too ^_^ I do that yearly since my sister told me Australian's celebrate it in September XD

  2. Dam cool dad.. i need to change my dad. jk jk xD

  3. *Marilyn: Thanks Marilyn! Hahaha.. September? Owh. Great now i know what to do. hehe

    *zerowindez: Your dad is oso cool what.. hahaha can change dad meh? Ask juin become ur dad lol


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