I haven't thought of serious resolutions for the coming year yet (though i have decided on some, listed below), but i sure have things to say to and about the year which is about to become history, year 2009.
Year 2009 saw plenty of challenges in many aspects, from trying to keep certain things alive, while my own life was barely balancing on the edge of an elephant's tusk, working hard to keep the balls up and juggling, to witnessing an act so cruel done so deliberately at such a mercilessly strategic time to me. Oh well.
Year 2009 sure had a lot in store for me. But i'm ready to forget it all. Living through the year would now just be a dream for me.
I will remember how cruel people have been. And i will pray for them, for i know they will get it one day.
I will miss those who had left the world dearly. I hope that they've found a better place.
I will cherish You.
I will not fall so easily.
Irresponsible words hurled at me, thank you but I'm no longer interested. Eat your words if you want.
I will drink more.
I will spend more time for '*'.
Less calls, more face to face conversations.
Bigger heart. For people around me.
Bake and cook more, for doing these things keeps me at peace.
Keep a discreet life.
More patience.
And of course there'll be more from where these came from.
On top of everything, after giving a thought about it for a long time, I will be a changed person in 2010.
Till the day comes, peace to all.
Happy New Year. May 2010 bring everyone blessings. Especially to those who need it.